martes, 9 de diciembre de 2014

Ojos llenos de asombro.

Hay amores que son como el tiempo, se sienten de ayer y hoy ya se fueron. Te dejan el tibio lugar del recuerdo. Te alegran el alma y bailan los sueños. Hay amores que te invaden todo, te marcan el alma. Te hieren a fondo. Desordenan pronto, descontrolan modos. Corazones rotos... te dejan tan solo. Hay amores que te hacen princesa de cuentos de hadas. Del reino, la dueña. Que jamas se olvidan, que jamas se pierden, que jamas se tienen... que jamás te dejan. Amor y vos quien sos, las alas o el fuego. Amor y vos quien sos, lo vivo o lo muerto. Amor y vos quien sos... que me partiste en dos. Amor y vos quien sos. 

domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2014

I had a farm in Africa.

-You know, Felicity asked to come along and I almost said no because I thought you wouldn't like it. And there's no reason for her not to come.
-Yes, there is. I wouldn't like it. You want her along?
- I want things that don't matter not to matter. 
-Then tell her no. Do it for me. 
-And then what else would it be?
-Why is your freedom more important than mine?
-It isn't. And I've never interfered with your freedom. 
-Oh, no... I'm not allowed to need you or rely on you or expect anything from you. I'm free to leave. But I do need you. 
-You don't need me. If I die, would you die? You don't need me. You confuse. You mix up need with want. You always have. 
-My God, in the world you would make there would be no love at all. 
-Or the best kind. The kind we wouldn't have to prove. 
-You'd be living on the moon then. 
-Why? Because I won't do it your way? Are we assuming there's only one proper way to do all this? Do you think I care about Felicity?
-Do you think I'll be involved with her?
-Then there's no reason for this, is there? 
-If she's not important, why won't you give it up? I have learnt a thing that you haven't. There are some things worth having but they come at a price and I want to be one of them. I won't allow it, Denys. 
- You have no idea the effect that language has on me. 
-I used to think that there was nothing that you really wanted but it is not true, is it? You want to have it all. 
-I'm going to Samburu and she can come along if she wants. 
-Then you'll be living elsewhere. 
-All right.